Printable Eye Test

Check your vision at home!  While not a substitute for a routine eye exam at your doctor’s office, this handy test will give you a rough estimate of the quality of your eyesight.  Click here to download the PDF file and see below for instructions.

  1. Print out eye chart at full scale (but make sure not to select ‘print to fit’ option.)
  2. Tape eye chart to a wall exactly 20 feet from the patient.
  3. Have patient read the rows of letters from the top down until a letter is missed.
  4. Patient’s vision is 20/x where ‘x’ is the last row that the patient read correctly.

Covid-19 Information:

Due to the coronavirus only two doctors will be in the office per day. 

Please feel free to call with any questions or emergency issues. All calls will be addressed accordingly.

Please check this website for further updates.

Notice: Office Closing at Noon Today

Effective for April 4th, 2024 Only